Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Avon Calling! Avon Anew Clinical Advanced Retexturizing Peel

I grew up watching my mother using Avon products all her life. From the makeup right down to the face creams she used it all. In my early teens I used Avon makeup till I found Sephora and never looked back! However on my most recent trip to my buildings laundromat, I found an Avon catalog and started flipping through the pages reminiscing on my childhood. Right when I was about to close down memory lane, a certain product that I have never seen before caught my eye. It was their Avon Anew Clinical Advanced Retexturizing Peel. It claims to have 10% Glycolic Acid in it which they state is “superior to a professional 35% glycolic peel at home.” However according to Paula Begoun, author of “Don’t Go the Cosmetic Counter Without Me” that might not actually be true. Nonetheless, I decided to bite and give it a try. 

Here is what I found: 

1. It comes with 30 pads that you are to use every other day either at morning or at night. Since I for some reason missed that whole section (must be my old age at 32), I was using them every day in the morning. 

2. It claims to have 10% Glycolic Acid 

3. You rub the pad all over your face and discard after using. 

4. It does contain alcohol which is a questionable product in facial care. 

After using it for a month, I have to say I have notice outstanding results. My skin looks like (to a point) I have been doing microdermabrasion or some sort of facial peel that even my husband noticed. My skin feels smoother, looks younger and it has helped with my enlarge pores that were noticeable. 

However with all being said, the alcohol content does concern me. I for one feel that no facial product should contain any amount of alcohol and this product does have a high quantity. The problem is that alcohol causes free radical cell damage which is devastating to your face. However, I also use other products that help to minimize free radical cell damage in general.  Nonetheless, while I love this product, I cannot endorse something I feel will potentially damage your skin at the ending.  Nevertheless, I leave it up to reader to decide what type of risk they are willing to run for the price of beauty.  However for me, this risk is one I can't place all my betting chips on.  

This product would be awesome, if Avon simply removed the alcohol in it.

Keep Smiling!

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