Till this day I can’t remember how I started my search on facial brushes. Maybe I was bored at home one day and decide to search google just cause. Who knows! However the one thing I do know is there are many facial brushes on the market and the results depend on what type of facial regiment you use, facial brush you buy and how often you use them.
So let’s get right to the facts. A facial brush has been shown to help remove more dirt, oil and makeup from your face then just regular hand washing alone. It helps to exfoliate your skin especially on pesky areas like your nose which tend to harbor blackheads. However when used incorrectly, it has also shown to peel your face right off! So when you using a facial brush, you need to find one that is suited just right for your skin.
My research led me to find the best one on the market which is the Clarisonic brand. It comes with proper speed control, pressure and the ability to turn off if you have been holding it in the same place on your face for too long in order to avoid damage to your skin. However for $200-$300 bucks a pop it makes you wonder if something else more afford comes close.
Since my budget is tight, I decide to buy a DDF Skincare brush called DDF Revolve 400X for $20 from amazon. I read the reviews on it and heard it worked well. Normally this brush retails for $100. So I figured I got a sweet deal. The brush comes with two settings, normal and high. Depending on your skin type will depend on the speed you use and what you can handle.
After using it on day one, my skin did feel noticeable cleaner. After one week of using it with my AHA facial cleanser and toner, I noticed a massive improvement on my nose. This brush exfoliated my nose so well that many of my blackheads have left and not grown back. I was over the moon as nothing I ever used help to exfoliate my nose in that way. After two months of using it, my skin does feel cleaner and looks better by using this twice a day to clean my face.
However here is are some facts:
1. For those who can’t afford the Clarisonic for $200-$300 or the DDF Skincare brush for $100; The DDF brush is the same EXACT replica as the Olay Professional Pro-X brush which retails for $20-$30 at your local drugstore. The makers of this brush are the same for the DDF and Olay. The only thing the Olay brush does not come with is the soft foam brush like the DDF brush. However it does come with two soft bristle heads.
1. For those who can’t afford the Clarisonic for $200-$300 or the DDF Skincare brush for $100; The DDF brush is the same EXACT replica as the Olay Professional Pro-X brush which retails for $20-$30 at your local drugstore. The makers of this brush are the same for the DDF and Olay. The only thing the Olay brush does not come with is the soft foam brush like the DDF brush. However it does come with two soft bristle heads.
2. If you have severe or cystic acne, please speak to your doctor FIRST before using this or any brush as it may cause your skin to bleed.
3. Remember this is your face; you are not brushing pavement. The brush rotates on its own, so soft gentle strokes are all you need for a few seconds on each part of your face.
3. Remember this is your face; you are not brushing pavement. The brush rotates on its own, so soft gentle strokes are all you need for a few seconds on each part of your face.
4. If you are use it in the shower as it is battery operated, be sure to clean it properly after every use and let it dry accordingly.
5. Keep in mind this brush goes on your face just like your tooth brush goes in your mouth. As much as we all love our other half, sibling, parents; don’t loan it out. It’s still your face and you don’t want other people’s dead gross skin cells being transported from the brush to your face.
6. Not all brushes are made equally. Whatever brand you decide to buy either the ones mentioned here or not, please do your research to make sure the brush is right for your skin type.
Lastly, do you need a facial brush to get your face clean? Not really. However does it help? Sure! Why not! It doesn’t hurt....as long as you are not raking your face as you would leaves with it!
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